Tuesday 12 June 2007


These adverts speak for themselves so my fellow young people...Don't Die before you've lived...Think twice before you have sex, think twice before you smoke, think twice before you drive in the influence of drink...think twice before you decide to take drugs...think twice before it's too late!!

I think giving your kids knowledge from a young age is very important because they think twice about everything they do!!Knowledge is key...

Isn't this sooo sad...this is the most beautiful little girl ever and she wont be living too long because one of her parents gave her AIDs!!

Beware of AIDs...it's the killer of Africa!!

'Dear Leaders of the World
You have the chance of a lifetime!
At the 2005 World Summit on September 14–16,
we have a golden opportunity to make the world a better place by stepping up efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The process of halving poverty by 2015 has already begun. We urge you to continue the good work. It is time to speed up!'

Donate, so our fellow Africans can be treated!!

Every gun that is made,
Every warship made
Every rocket fired, signifies.
In the final sense.
A theft from those who hunger and are not fed.
those who are cold and not clothed.

Beware of drink driving, don't drive when you are tired, don't drive under the influence of drugs and don't drive too fast!! He could have lived, he was dreaming of becoming a president but now a driver who was driving too fast has taken his dreams away and most of all his life!!

That is what it's doing to your lungs, it's like a bullet shooting to your lungs and destroying it!!

Cancer survival

When you take the focus off yourself, you'll often find that you feel lighter. The burden of constantly seeking your own way and taking it upon yoursekf to fill the voids in your life is lifted. When you seek to be of service, others sense your pure motives. Don't forget to give, it can be anything...you don't have to be rich to give!! So today, I warn my fellow young people THINK BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE TO REGRET!!


Anonymous said...

I love your articles, keep it up!

S & R said...

Thank you for visiting our site...I will keep the articles coming!!